• Patrick Shay is a faculty member in the Department of Health Care Administration at 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 University, where he teaches graduate courses on topics including health services organization, organization theory, health policy, health care innovation, and population health management.  His research applies organization theory to understand and explain phenomena facing health care organizations, including the strategic activities and configurations of local multihospital systems as well as the impact of regulation on post-acute care providers, among others.  Prior to his doctoral studies, he worked as a healthcare administrator for a post-acute system in south Texas.

    • Ph.D. in Health Services Organization and 研究, Virginia Commonwealth University
    • M.S. in Health Care Administration, 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 University
    • B.S. in Business Administration, 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 University
    • Shay, PD & Mick, SSF. (2017). Clustered and distinct: A taxonomy of local multihospital systems. Health Care Management Science, 20(3), 303-315.
    • Mick, SSF, & Shay, PD. (2016). Accountable care organizations and transaction cost economics. Medical Care 研究 and Review, 73(6), 649-659.
    • Kaissi, A, Shay, P, & 罗斯科C. (2016). Healthcare reform, hospital systems, and convenient care strategies. Journal of Healthcare Management, 61(2), 148-163.
    • Shay, PD, & White, KR. (2014). Executive compensation in health care: A systematic review. Health Care Management Review, 39(3), 255-267.
    • Mick, SSF, & Shay, PD. (Eds.). (2014). Advances in Health Care Organization Theory, 2nd Edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
    • Local hospital-based systems (i.e., “clusters”)
    • Organization theory in health care
    • Post-acute health care sector
    • Health care executive compensation
    • Health services organization
    • Organization theory
    • Health policy
    • Health care innovation
    • Population health management